iLearners provides the following services:

  • 1) Tutoring: in Study Skills Strategies, Math, and Physics. For students in elementary grades through community college.

    Emphasis is on learning to teach yourself. Contact us at (773) 644-5337 or [email protected] for availability and to schedule tutoring sessions either online or in-person at select locations.

  • 2) Training/Mentoring: for Learning Strategies. For parents, leaders, adults, and organizations.

    Contact us at (773) 644-5337 or [email protected] for availability and to get started. Available online and in-person at select locations.

  • 3) Weekly Critical Thinking Tips and Practice for parents, leaders, and adults.

    For adults who want to pace themselves and learn these skills over time. See below for details and to sign up.

Critical Thinking Thursdays

To increase Academic and Career progress, iLearners helps parents and adults learn some learning processes through practicing critical thinking related questions and tips. The $5/mo subscription provides access two learning processes related questions and tips each Thursday to build on your Critical Thinking skills (see details below).

iLearners Subscription

The iLearners monthly subscription ($5/month) is for parents and adults. Join to access the weekly questions and tips (2 tips each week/Thursdays), along with the online note-taking interactive workbook.

The learning related questions, suggestions and tips provided in the subscription are from the tutoring and engineering experiences of the iLearners team members. iLearners was created to encourage independent learning and intrinsic motivation development through sharing our tutoring and engineering learning processes related experiences and notes. That's why the subscription is for parents, leaders of teams, and adults only. The subscription is not for children directly, but meant for parents and adults who work with children and see if the tutoring and engineering learning related tips, notes and strategies are helpful from their perspective. The iLearners notes, questions, tips, suggestions and strategies are not meant as a substitute for professional advice, but meant to encourage an agile experimenting mindset similar to what some teachers and leaders already do, to help ask questions from different perspectives, and see what works best for you.

Learning Is a Process, and Learning Is in the Interaction.

iLearners helps you learn some learning processes to increase critical thinking skills, and increase academic and career progress, using the questions-based Socratic method.

  • Read below to see how the weekly questions-based tips subscription can supports you in learning some learning processes, and weekly practice to increase your critical thinking skills for academic, career, leadership and team progress.

  • Socrates - “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.”

  • Ignacio Estrada - “If a child can't learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.”

  • Deborah Meier - "Teaching is listening, learning is talking."

To improve Academic and Career Progress, iLearners helps you learn some learning concepts through questions, encouragement, and your own research, utilizing the Socratic Method.

From a tutoring and engineering perspective, iLearners supports parents and adults in increasing students' academic interest and grades. From a tutoring and engineering perspective, iLearners also supports adults and leaders of teams in their career progress through the understanding of learning related transferrable skills. Sign up for the iLearners monthly subscription and you'll have access to two question-based topics/tips to research each week. At no extra cost, your iLearners account has an online note-taking workbook for you to write notes, answers, questions, and track your successes and challenges. To encourage initiative and learning progress, the weekly topics/ questions/ tips disappear from your account after four weeks, unless you paste the ones you like into your notes. The notes and questions you write in your account allow better collaboration with the iLearners team for future weekly topics and workshops. You can also request group or one-on-one mentoring and workshops.

For Whom:

For parents, adults, and leaders of teams. For those who want to better understand the learning processes, and see the value of developing critical thinking skills and intrinsic motivation through the Socratic Method. The subscription is not for children directly, but meant for parents and adults who work with children and see if the tutoring and engineering learning related tips, notes and strategies are helpful from their perspective. The iLearners notes, questions, tips, suggestions and strategies are not meant as a substitute for professional advice, but meant to encourage an agile experimenting mindset similar to what some teachers and leaders already do, to help ask questions from different perspectives, and see what works best for you.

What iLearners Helps With:

  • iLearners utilizes the Socratic Method of teaching, where many times questions are answered with additional questions, suggestions, and your own research. iLearners builds on concepts like the following quotes: "Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers" - Josef Albers, and “A Problem Well Stated is Half Solved” - Charles Kettering.

  • Helping individuals develop their own learning & teaching facilitation skills and strategies, to grow the joy of self-directed learning in themselves, students, and teams/families.

  • To support increasing independent learning skills and techniques, knowledge, intrinsic motivation, critical thinking, focus and memory, and learning to teach yourself proficiently.

  • To build a personal culture of agility, rapport building, and continuous learning, while being aware of regression and what we may be forgetting.

  • You can request or sign up for individual or group mentoring, coaching, and workshops.

  • Your iLearners subscription account includes access to two question-based topics/tips for you to research each week. At no additional cost, you'll have access to the online interactive note-taking workbook, which allows for better collaboration with the iLearners team for the weekly topics and tips, and for future workshops related to your questions. To encourage initiative and learning progress, the weekly topics/ questions/ tips disappear from your account after four weeks, unless you paste the ones you like into your notes.

  • With so much information, distractions, and content available, it's easy for many of us to lose sight of the big picture, and lose the practice to build our critical thinking abilities. iLearners believes writing questions and notes in your own words is one of the best ways to learn something sustainably. These skills also help you utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) and other technologies better, and can supplement working better with tutors and teachers. It's similar to physical exercising: iLearners provides a place for asking questions, note-taking, exercising independent thought, practicing critical thinking, multi-perspective thinking, contextualization, tracking your self-assessed metrics and progress, and healthy habits tracking (such as tracking sleep, physical exercise, breathing exercises, drinking sufficient water, quite time, and nutrition - as these habits also impacts learning).

Why? - Is It a Numbers Game?

There's only 24 hours in a day. How much of the day do we use for building skills, health, fun, joy, and sustainable growth of ourselves and our families/teams? Also how much of our week's attention goes into negating our progress?

When it comes to learning, do we usually track how much we forget or regress? iLearners self-paced approach is simple: increase the amount of time a week with constructive things (i.e. constructive activities, decisions, habits, multi-perspective questions and contents, etc.), and decrease regression causing activities. The iLearners weekly topics, questions, your own research, and note-taking helps you learn topics deeper; so you could make choices on what's constructive and what's regressive for you. Your iLearners subscription account also helps you keep track of your self-assessed metrics and progress.

iLearners Services

iLearners offers the following services:

  • Monthly Subscription (details are above)


    Your iLearners subscription includes access to two learning process related questions and tips each week (see details above).

  • Tutoring for Study Skills Strategies, Math, and Physics:

    Contact us at (773) 644-5337, or [email protected] with your request.

    Depending on availability, iLearners offers personalized Study Skills Strategies Tutoring for students and parents, along with tutoring in math and physics with emphasis on learning to teach yourself. Available online and in person at select locations. If you're interested, please call or email us with your request details, and please include the student's age and the subject(s).

  • Customized iLearners Training/Presentations:

    Contact us at (773) 644-5337, or [email protected] with your request.

    If you'd like to work with iLearners, or if you're interested in customized training, tutor training, coaching, mentoring, interview prep, speaking engagements, workshops, presentations/ seminars/ webinars for yourself, parents, leaders, non-profit organizations, or training for employees, please call or email us with the details of your request.

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